Tuesday, November 6, 2012


A drizzle kind of morning.

 That's okay.. I run in the gym.. it's nice and dry. I've been running without my ear buds lately because what do you know?? The gym actually has a better mix of songs then my Ipod. I was happily running along and here comes this old guy taking the machine next to Steve. He proceeds to snort, cough and do other weird noises for the remainder of my 15 minutes. Gross... Steve said he does this all the time. See what I was missing being tuned out and listening to my Ipod.. Wonderful...

Which brings me to the topic of those that have and have not.. That is.. have a treadmill at home and those who do not! I see a lot of treadmills in the corner of peoples rooms folded up, gathering dust. Sometimes they are re-purposed into clothes hangers and a place to store boxes and toys on too. Some people actually do use their treadmills every day. I have to wonder.. how they find the motivation to keep running, when no one is around to keep them honest. It sure would be easy to just  look at the thing.. walk on by and sit on the couch or go back to bed. They probably are able to keep running at home, because like me.. they need to ... they want to...

I'm really sick of...

This web page being micro or nano... I need to figure out how to make it LARGER!!! Where is the magnify to 100%??

I'm sick of running indoors... I really want to be outside
I'm sick of it being dark in the mornings.. I want it light so I can run outdoors. ...
I'm sick of homework... I want to be done with classes..
I'm sick of being bored at night.. it's too dark to be outside after 6pm
Sick of computer problems!!! Ugh!!!

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