Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hear It All The Time...

I hear these familiar words.. I just don't have time to exercise (run, walk, lift weights etc).

Let's be real.. everyone has the time in a 24 hour day. You need 8 hours of sleep and that leaves you 16 hours. Let's take off 10 hours for work, lunch breaks and drive time.. that leaves you 6 hours a day to fit in 30 minutes of exercise M-F.. and lets not forget the weekends.. lots more time..

If you can make time to eat.. you have time
If you can make time to sit on the computer.. you have time
If you have time to check your phone throughout the day.. and make updates.. you have time
If you watch TV. you have time
If you work, go to school.. you have time..

If you want to make exercise a priority.. you will make time.

No one said you have to workout for hours each day. Or run miles and miles.. Just 30 minutes of which can be broken up into 10 minutes throughout the day.

Just take a look around the MN State Fair and see how many people don't get any exercise. I bet you can tell who those people are! I bet they will tell you they just don't have time..while downing a hot dog or some mini donuts. Better yet.. they just can't do it because it will make their body hurt. Well, if you're over weight.. it's already hurting your body. Exercise is your magic pill to making your body feel better..

Stop making excuses.. to yourself.. do yourself a favor and just walk... every day.. take that magic pill of exercise.. make it work for you.. make time.. schedule time.. be in the moment and start enjoying your life more.. Yes, life is more enjoyable the more you find time..

If you have to get up earlier.. go to bed earlier.. make a plan... be flexible about the plan and have a back up plan.. because you can find time.. time now.. get going!

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