Friday, May 25, 2012

Just a little bit more...

If I just lost a little bit more weight I could see my stomach abs. I've been so unmotivated to try and lose weight. It's a wonder I am even maintaining. Thankfully, I still exercise every day for at least an hour to burn, baby burn.

Funny how even after I exercise, run for an hour, it doesn't feel like I've really done anything. It's so apart of my life now, so automatic just like brushing my teeth. You just do it and don't really give it much thought.

When you first start off exercising, it's hard. Your body hurts, you feel tired and it requires a lot of change and effort. I'm past that point, so some days I feel like I didn't do enough. It doesn't feel as hard and my body isn't sore and I feel good. Too good to have just worked out for an hour.

There is always this on-going battle in my mind that if I have the time. If I'm not doing anything or if I'm bored, I should be out there, out running, or doing something to burn calories instead of consuming them.

I feel like I let myself down a little when I choose to not do anymore then the minimum. I have to remind myself that I'm in the minority. The minority of people that actually exercise an hour a day. If I do anymore it's above and beyond and I should not feel like I have to.. I just want to feel like.. I want to.. I want to because I feel good, it's fun, it's something I like doing.. Good enough a reason. Not because I feel like I'm going to disapoint myself for not pushing myself.

Too much pushing isn't good either. I don't want to risk burn out, or an injury. I need this to be about me and having fun, enjoying the time I spend exercising. I don't want to ever hate it. I can't aford to feel that way because it would be too easy to slip back into weight gain mode.

40's are a time in my life where I needed to re-invent myself. I'm doing it.. Day by day. I'm becoming the person I want. Healthy, fit and in control of my body.. my mind..

So I'll do just a little bit more exercising when I feel like it.....

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