Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A short week....

It's a short work week so that also means a short gym workout week. 1 day down.... 3 to go! Should I be complaining? Not really.

I could tell my right leg needs a break from running on pavement. My leg somewhat hurts on the inside by my knee. Not sure why?

I had a good run on the cross ramp this morning. I felt good and refreshed. Got there late to the gym so we only had 15 minutes of weights. I worked mostly on my abs and did little for my arms.

I was not happy to step on the scale this morning. I was up 2 pounds since Friday. Bad eating this weekend. Full of bread, chips, pizza, wings and whatever else. Time to purge my diet of all bread again and get my eating back on track. I can have fruit, veggies and protein.

Even though I noticed a weight gain. It still pays to always weigh yourself. It's easy to let the scale creep up and up and before you know it.. it's more then a few pounds you have to lose. 2 is a lot more manageable to get rid of then to re-lose 50+ pounds.

This morning I did have some pie crust with the last slice of fruit tart. I had extra fruit on it so I'm not counting that little bit of white flour. Planning on having cole slaw salad with a balsamic vinegar dressing and a banana. Dinner veggies and protein. Plus any snack will be veggies, fruit or popcorn -air popped.

Feeling very tired at the moment.. time for a 10 min shut eye... before my busy day starts..

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