Saturday, April 7, 2012


There is no better therapy session then running..... zoning out to music, watching the pavement, listening to the birds, seeing the houses, trees and grass pass by as I run on and on...

I have a lot of thinking time on my hour long runs. I'm able to work through anything that is bothering me. Some how it never make me sad. Running keeps things positive in my mind, even if the situation isn't so wonderful.

I don't always come up with a solution to what's troubling me.. most of the time I just use my running time to  reflect on the situation. I come away much calmer. I see things more positively. I don't get down on myself or feel angry, sad or hurt.

I never knew exercise could be so therapeutic. I look forward to it. I  know if something needs to be though through it's time to go for a run... Time to treat myself to a therapy session... best of all.. My therapy session are  free and running frees my mind to being the happy person I should be!

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