Friday, April 6, 2012

Steady and Slow

I just read that it's not how fast you take off the weight, it's how long you keep it off. Steady and slow is my weight loss right now.. I'm going for the long haul of keeping it off for good.

It's not always an easy task staying focused on maintaining or losing. I have lots of oops moments where I should have made better choices or I think I've exercised enough where I can eat what I want. I always get back on track and think of something to keep me focused. I know steady and slow will keep me going.

Right now I have summer and my daughter's wedding in August for my motivation. I want to look and feel great. I'm willing to work hard along the way to make that a possibility.

Yesterday, I got a nice complement. A woman I had just met, thought my oldest daughter and I were sisters. How nice to hear I look younger.. My face might not be fat and round any more, but taking off weight does make you look younger, heavier = older. I don't want to be a frumpy 40 something. I love the fact I can wear skinny jeans and look good. Or at least think I

So don't think all the weight has to come off over night. The weight was put on over years. I have to remember that when I think about why I can't lose the last few pounds to reach my 129 goal. Maybe I won't ever reach that? Is weighting 133-135 so bad? No, but I really would like to reach my goal even if it does seem unrealistic to maintain. After all, I've been suck around this same weight for almost a year now. I go down then right back up again. Guess I like to eat but I love my exercise too. Somethings got to give.. I'm hoping it's a downward trend.. but I will get there.. I'm determined some days others not so much. So steady and slow will get me there... I have to believe that

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