Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Have a Plan!

Do you have a plan? A plan to workout everyday?

My plan is simple, get up at the same time every day, put on workout clothes, stretch for 15 minutes and head out the door to run and lift weights for 1-1/2 hours. My optional plan is to run outside for 4 miles or longer which ever I choose. I also leave the option open to other types of fun exercise such as biking, walking, hiking or skiing etc...

If you don't have a plan of action how are you going to make changes in your life? How do you plan to get fit? How do you plan to keep off the weight and not add pounds?

Life is always stressful and busy. That's not an excuse to not make a plan for yourself. That plan is not going to work if you talk yourself into saying..I am too stressed, too tired and too busy to workout.

People are creatures of habit. Good habits and bad. Make exercise and eating healthy a habit, make that your plan. A plan you need to do every day. Everyday for you... to make you less stressed, less tired and healthier with a good plan of action.

It's not always going to be easy sticking to a plan. It's a big mind game between wanting to do something and then actually carrying it out. Just don't give yourself an option to not do it.

Some days it's going to be easy working out, other days it's force. You will never regret a workout, you will regret not working out!

Write it down, make a plan right now...

Here's my plan:
Workout 5am, run for 6.5 miles, lift weights 20 minutes
Afternoon, run 4 miles outside - easy run
Evening, while watching Survivor walk or run 1 hour
Eat Healthy

AM- 1 med Banana and 2 small slices banana bread
Noon  - Rice with 1 tbsp smart butter and pepper or fresh salsa
Eve - ? (what ever Steve makes in small amounts)
Snack - popcorn, Must limit chocolate today!!
few almonds

To keep busy today, I have plans to work, go to the library and go back to the gym this evening.

'** Rosemount 4 mile run.. best run time yet for 4 miles!!! 31:29... 7 min and 52 seconds per minute.  I would still like to get down to 30 minutes!! Sooo close!!! Yippeeee... I'm sure racing with the added adrenaline I'd be able to make my 30 minutes but it's nice to know on a somewhat easy training day I can get really close to a goal time!!

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