Monday, April 30, 2012

Looking Like I'm 20 again..

I got a nice FB complement yesterday after my photo post. I'm looking like I'm 20 again. I owe it all to running and weight lifting! I'm feeling good, good enough to feel like I'm 20 all over again.

When I first lost all my weight, I got a lot of complements. I still do get some, mostly from people I haven't seen in a while, but they are far and few in between. Funny how some people (name-less) never said any thing to me about my weight loss. Maybe those are the people who expect me to put it all back on? Instead, I'll just concentrate on all the nice things people have said to me and not worry about those that have not said a word. It really does help and I appreciate every kind word and complements. It remind me of how far I've come and why I want to continue to exercise. So thank you to all that have kind words to say and help to support me in my fitness goals.

Even when the complements stop and they will.. I need to look to myself to keep up my goals. To keep running by buns off  because it's going to be a lifetime battle to keep going, to never give up on myself again.

Even this morning, after hearing all the nice complements this past weekend. I was tempted to stay in bed and forget about working out. I look good so why shouldn't I cut back. Well, that's exactly what happens.. just when your looking good, feeling good, you want to quit.. then go back many steps... to not be in the same place. This is when I do need to keep going. Keep going to keep looking and feeling like I could be in my 20's again. I'm not kidding myself.. I'm not 20 and not even close to it... I do how ever feel better then I ever did in my 30's. So, I'll thank everyone for the nice complements and make a mental note.. even if I'm not 20.. I sure do feel good! Isn't that all that really matters?

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