Monday, April 2, 2012

Who Me?

I'm always taken by surprise when I'm told that I'm an inspiration to someone.

This morning Steve told me I was his inspiration. At first I was like, yeah Right! are you talking to me? Are you sure you just said and meant that?

I'm not sure why I have a hard time excepting the thought being someones inspiration An Inspiration to lose weight, be in good shape and keep up the motivation day in and day out. Maybe it's too much pressure to think that if I fail, I will let others down?

It's nice to know that I am an inspiration for a lot of others. It does feel good to hear it. I've heard it from friends, neighbors, gym acquaintances, men, women and my own family. It feels good. It leaves me thinking....this is the first time in my life I've ever been told I'm an inspiration. Makes me want to do more in other areas in my life, besides improve myself/health to inspire others.

Wouldn't it be nice to inspire others to be a better person by volunteering your time, do some good in the world.. etc... But for now.. I'll appreciate all the people that have come up to me and said I"m their inspiration.

I appreciate everyone for being my inspiration along this journey. I take from others to be a better me.. and now I'd like to pass that along to someone else.... Let's all inspire each other..

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