Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekend Gains...

Week #16... Start of a fresh new workout week...

Let's take a look back at last week, week #15 totals.. 63.5 miles I ran for the 7 days! Not bad, not bad!! I skipped running my 4 miles outside on both Thursday and Sunday. It's good to take a mini break! So it was a gain week for # of miles ran.

It was also a gain day on the scale after eating candy, salty ham, etc... I'm hoping it's just water weight? Not to worry, I'm still in the same weight range. A normal trend it seems for me.

It's also a gain on my speed. I upped my treadmill speed from 6.0mph to 6.5mph. It may not seem like a whole lot but it felt faster, a bit harder and I threw in random hills. I'll keep this speed for a week and next Sunday try for 7.0mph. That could be too fast to run for an hour so might just do half hour of 6.5 and the last half 7.0 and sprint the last minute at 8.0. That's my gain plan!

I'm also going to continue to run outdoors every day. Sometime today, I'll fit it into my schedule. Maybe after a nap since I didn't sleep so well last night. I should time my mile run time too. Must have goals, right!

Post times later.. keeping it honest!

Okay... napped for 30 minutes, plus I ran even though I had a hard time getting motivated. That wind is rough today! I took it easy and finished in little under 39 minutes for a very easy 4 miles today.  Now off to nap again... ugh!!!

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