Tuesday, June 5, 2012

1 Minute All Adds UP!

 A little over 8 months ago, I ran a 5K around Lake Como. My time was 25:24.  I was happily surprised to learn that I ran the Burnsville 5K race exactly 1 minute faster.

1 minute may not seem like much, but when you run seconds matter. Those seconds and minutes go fast and pushing yourself to get a better and better time.. is it possible?

I'm at the point where I proved to myself I can run, I can finish a race 3.2 or a 4 mile, I can place in running. So what is next? Do I need to prove any more to myself?

It's kind of like practicing tennis all the time, but never playing a match. What would be the point? Sure, I get the exercise benefit which is really all I'm after. Its just how do you know your body is still improving? Getting stronger and working hard enough to keep being challenged? Without racing, I would really never know.

My next Running Bucket List is to run a mile to see what my fastest time would be at this age. Does it scare me? Yes!!! I'm terrified. I tell myself there is nothing to be scared about. After all, I'm really only competing with myself. I just don't want to let  myself down. I said that thinking, why would I let me down if I try my hardest and I just do it. There is something more to be said to just doing something then to do nothing at all. You never accomplish anything being too afraid to take a chance, to try and just do it.

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