Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ding..... I have an Idea!!!

I was running this morning and an idea popped into my head. Why don't I run to the gym 3.5 miles in the morning and then lift weights for 30 minutes followed by 3.5 miles home! I'd get the same workout in the same amount of time as running in the gym.

I'd still leave to the gym at 5am with Steve so we could still work out together this summer. If it rains..or I'm not up to running more,  I always have the option of riding home with him.

Of course this plan will only work when it's light enough outside for me to run safely. I do want to take advantage of the nice weather. It makes me love running again.

On another note: I just read in the Star Tribune, that running long distances can be bad for you. Bad for your heart. I don't think one time running 13 miles is going to harm me. I'll keep at my goal and the study did say 30  to 60 minutes of exercise a day is good for you.

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