Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 2.. Last day of 4:30am!!!

It's day 2 of my running to the gym and the last day of waking at 4:30am until September.

Today's run to the gym I encountered a raccoon that didn't know I was running right across it's path. It kept coming toward me and I kept going wondering who would stop first. Funny how the raccoon noticed me the same time I decided to slow down.. He quickly back off and ran back into the bushes. I didn't need an angry raccoon after me. There also was plenty of baby bunnies all over the side walk. They wait unit the last moment to run off into the bushes.

Now that I have to option to sleep in, I wonder if I will? Getting out to run at 5am has it advantages.. No one is on the road, it's quiet, plenty of animals out to see and getting my run done and over with while it's still fairly cool outside.

Who knows.. Maybe I will still get up early. It's nice to have to option to get more rest if I need it.

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