Monday, September 3, 2012

3 Times and Off I Go!

I had one of those mornings. I got up at 6am.. heard thunder and crawled back in bed. Got up again 15 minutes later got dressed, looked out the window and saw thunder heads building to the west and, then got back in bed.. Got up again after not hearing any rain or thunder and finally went down to stretch and head out the door. I finally went for my run at 7:30am! A whole hour and 30 minutes after I first got up to run. I knew the moment I stepped outside that I should have started running earlier, when its cooler outside. I was thankful for the shade on my path..

Even at 7:30am.. a bit later start but a holiday - Labor day.. no traffic and hardly anyone out on my path to run. I ran to the gym, my normal 3.22 miles and worked out doing my abs and arms. Ran home and then finally people were out running and walking.

Glad to be done running for the day. It's going to be a hot one. Good day to spend boating.. swimming and having fun on the last day of summer for the kids.

I have plenty to do later on today to get the kids ready for school, pick out their clothes, organize their rooms and make sure we have plenty of choices on hand for breakfast and lunches.

Tomorrow I will run, workout with a new earlier schedule. We get up at 4:30am to be home by 6:30am to get the kids up for school. I might just run home instead come 6am so I at least get to enjoy some outside running. I just hope it's light enough.. might have to wait an additional 15 minutes or so???

Tuesday, I'll be missing my first lecture class.. getting Logan off to school but that's okay.. I need to be there for my family first.. it's only one class and I'll never regret being there for Logan on the first day of 4th grade.

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