Friday, September 21, 2012

It's hard, it's easy.. I'm tired.. just do it..

All those thoughts go through my mind, this is hard to do, it doesn't feel easy, I'm tired and don't feel like exercising and the best one, I need to just do it. Not every day I feel the same way. Every day is not hard, some days feel easier and some times I'd rather do anything but exercise.

Once you get past the first 10 minutes, 15 minutes or 30 minutes exercising doesn't feel so bad. Sometimes it takes longer to get to that point. Sometimes it takes the whole hour and when your done, it feels great or you might feel more tired. My point is.. you have to workout every day to have those good and bad days, those easy and not so easy days. It will always be hard and you might feel sore all the time from working out if you don't do it every day. Be consistent, let yourself experience the ups and downs that come with working out.

What you won't have.. is a bad body day.. you will always be more fit, more tone for just having worked out. On the other hand.. if you don't workout.. your body will be soft, you won't feel strong and you won't experience the ups and downs that come with working out.

I had a hard time with the first 15 minutes of my run. After that it didn't feel hard. Time was ticking slowly.. the treadmill just doesn't add anything for me like running outside does. I have to deal with it. I mix things up by doing hills, random on the machine, I switch days between the cross-ramp, treadmill and stationary bike. I'm looking forward to adding in cross country skiing when the snow covers the ground. My indoor workouts will get easier once again. It's just a change that I need to get use to again. It's better then running in the dark and cold so I'll make due.

What is holding you back today? What was your excuse to not workout.. or did you workout today? Feel good! I know I do! I FEEL GREAT!!!

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