I biked again today on the stationary bike. It's not the best for burning calories only half of what I normally burn running the same amount of time. The 350 calories I burn for the hour is better then not burning any thing while I read. Yes, I've been trying to use my workout time as study time too. I need to do some time management and this is the best way to fit in both. I've at least accomplished exercise and studying/reading for my classes during the early morning hour.
I won't always read during my workout. When I'm feeling stressed from needing to do homework, and get in some fat burning exercise, it's the best option for now. I should alternate between reading/biking and running to just enjoy my workout. I need a balance and I need to figure it all out.
Yesterday I was exhausted. I stayed up late watching TV Wednesday night (I hardly watch TV). I had an ice cream cone at 8:30pm and the sugar gave me extra energy so I couldn't sleep. I slept in yesterday morning and skipped working out. I had enough to do and would be getting 4+ hours of work exercise. Plus,
my weight training class is 2-1/2 hours long were I get about 2 hours of additional exercise. We did Yoga last night, full body workout and some ab exercises that involved holding a plank for 1 minute.
I went to bed early last night and got up early today.. back to 4:30am and I feel great now for having worked out.
I have a busy day ahead. Working for 4 hours, then I need to study... and go to a funeral...
I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Manic Mud Run 3.2 miles. I'm volunteering with Steve for a few hours then we will run the course in Taylor falls.
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