Saturday, September 22, 2012

Days like this..

It's a bit chilly outside today at 40*F.  I was not excited to run in the cold. I had thoughts of going to the gym and running on the treadmill or doing the cross ramp. Knowing how much I've been disliking the indoor run you can see how un-inspired I was to run in the cold. It's really not that cold outside at 40*F. It's not 60 like I was use to running, and a bit cooler then 50... but 40 is not freezing your skin off cold. It's just a bit cool at first.

I bundled up for my run.. a hat, mittens and a warm fuzzy jacket with long pants and a tank top. It only took 9 minutes before I was already taking off my hat, mittens and jacket. I ran skin exposed in my tank top and was still sweating and hot when I was done, but the cool weather made it easier to cool down.

I have to remind myself that the seasons do change and with that you have to change your mind. It's all a mind game to go out and exercise. You can't let the weather be an excuse to derail your fitness goals. What is important..? To have many back up plans to make sure you can follow through and have No excuses!!!!

I won't want to run outside every day it's cold.. I will go to the gym.
If I have a test.. I'll bring my book with to the gym and bike. Or I'll take an hour break to run from studying. If I think there is not enough time to workout.. I'll get up earlier and make sure I do have time.

If I'm too tired.. I will go to bed early or take a nap..
If I'm too stressed, I will know exercise will help calm me.
If I'm not feeling 100%, I will do less strenuous exercises until I feel better but I will do at least 30 minutes.
If I want to watch a TV show, I will use that sit time to workout.. walk on the treadmill or do floor exercises during commercials.
If I'm feeling lazy.. I will tell myself If I want to quit after 10 minutes I can..
If I'm not feeling safe about going it alone.. I will ask Steve to go with me. If he can't or won't.. I will go to the gym instead of outside.
If my body aches.. I know exercise will help loosen it up and make the pain not so bad, plus I know my body is working hard.. building muscles so pain is a good thing. Using those lazy muscles!!!

I really don't know how to get someone who has all the excuses in the world to exercise. I just know what works for me. That excuses person (we've all been there) needs to figure it out too. What works for them. Are they ready for a change in life that they will need to stick with? Do they want to look and feel better? Do they want to put in some effort towards better health? These are questions they need to ask themselves..

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