Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Cardio Program Day 1

Day 1 of the new cardio program to help burn more fat and less carbs because it's the fat I want gone..

I wasn't going to try this in the morning. I was going to save it for later on and do my same program work hard and burn those calories. I just needed a change today. Tired of seeing the same people on the same machines and looking at the same programs to kill the hour. I walked to the treadmill instead of the cross ramp today.

Here's what day 1 on the treadmill looked like...

A heart rate monitor is a must for this program or I would not know what speed I needed to be at.

Zone 1.. stay below 91for my heart rate... walked at 4.0 for 2 minutes, Zone 2.. stay below 121.. jogging at 5.5 random for 3 minutes.. I did this for 37 minutes then decided to keep running for the rest of the 60 minutes. I only ran 5.5 miles and burned 550 calories.. not close to 700.. My heart rate did go up to 122 while running so a little over but mostly right where I should be. It's almost harder going slow.

Tomorrow is another program.. All in zone 2.. so I can say at random for the hour and have my heart rate max at 121...

I will need to go for a 2 mile run this afternoon. Brave the cold just to burn 200 more calories! Some fresh air will do me good!

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