Monday, November 5, 2012

Thinking of Hiring a Running Coach?

Thinking of Hiring a  Personal Training Running Coach?

Getting started is the hard part. Remaining motivated is harder. You can't underestimate the value of having a mentor and someone to kick you into gear and keep you running.

Whether you want to train for a 5K or a marathon, having a sound training plan and the support of a coach can be invaluable. As your
soon to be ACE-certified Personal Trainer Running coach, I will be available for online or in-person coaching. Here is what's included:

•  A 1 time free Initial  40 minute consultation to determine personal goals, fitness level, lifestyle, health/injury concerns. Plus on-going e-mail communication and weekly goal check in’s.

• A customized training program exclusively designed to take into account your ability, fitness level, goals, and training history with a focus on both immediate and long term success

• Availability of my coaching for ongoing and unlimited training questions/concerns via phone, email or text

• Monthly sit-down sessions (by phone with online clients) to evaluate progress, tweak your training plan, answer questions, etc.

• Stretching demonstrations and/or descriptions with pictures

• Running tips and advice in my Run your buns off blog

• Feedback and adjustments to your training as needed (program can be adapted based on how you do with the training plan)
• Race strategy sessions
• Goal setting sessions
• Nutritional/fueling consultation

Option 1: Training Plan.  Free initial consultation, I will create a customized plan for you based on your goals and current level of fitness. This is a plan only option. There will be no ongoing coaching, but there can be minor plan modifications if needed. $80.00.

Option 2:  free initial consultation, The Monthly Plan. I’d put together a plan to prepare for your event, 1 month at a time. At the end of each month we’d get together (by phone or in person) to go over the previous month, and plan for the following month. This option doesn’t allow for a whole lot of modification to the plan and costs $75 per month.

Option 3: Personalized Monthly Coaching- in this option I’d plan your workouts 2-3 weeks at a time but we’d have communication weekly (or more) by phone or email allowing me to modify the plan as necessary. Your feedback allows me to further tailor the plan to your exact needs. This option costs $100 per month.

For online coaching, take 10% off of above prices.

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