Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I want to EAT!!

Feeling rather hungry this afternoon. I'm having one of those days where I'd really like to sit down and gobble down a whole loaf of soft doughy french bread. I can't.... can't do it because I'm going to walk/run tonight while I watch Survivor. It's a good thing I have a back up plan for tonight. It would be nice to just eat whatever I want with out a care. What would that get me? A big old butt... I know the scale would not be my friend and I'd gain a whole lot of weight in a short amount of time. ugh...............................................................................................................................!!!!

This morning the scale was up 0.4 pounds.. water weight? Or could I really have put on some weight on my 2 day vacation? Well, I've just got to try a little harder.

Bread is not my friend.. I can have some.. SOME... Not a ton.... I've come too far to take steps backwards... Time to start moving.. An hour to go before I hit the gym.. I'll feel better then...

So in the next hour.. I will stretch, change into my gym clothes, write a todo list, clean up the house.. anything to keep my mind and body out of the kitchen and my hands away from the food.

I already had dinner, a banana, 2 big strawberries, a large baked sweet potato and a chunk of french bread. Plenty of food but not too much were I can't run. I should be full... I know it's just boredom.. wanting to eat for the sake of eating... I'll feel too fat and tired to go workout if I eat more..

Time to burn, burn, burn those calories and burn off some of the fat on my buns...

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