Friday, March 9, 2012

Rise and Shine!!

Rise and shine another great weight in!! I'm down another 0.9 pounds to exactly 137! Only 6 more pounds to go to reach 129.. or 131 on the gym scale.

It was a choice/option day.. to sleep in or to get up and go at 4:30am. The kids don't have school today, so we had the option to sleep in. Well, after 15 minutes of our "sleep in", we both decided we were not going to be able to sleep, might as well go. It's better to stay on schedule then to screw it up!

Tonight, I go back to the gym to do my 6 miles of make up that I missed on Wednesday night. I'll go early so I can enjoy a Friday night out. Burning my calories before I eat them all back. That's the plan!! Plus, we will split our food to eat one portion not 2 or 3.

I am hoping to get Steve outside with me on Saturday morning to run the neighborhood. He doesn't go workout on the weekends. I still go, but later since our gym doesn't open until 8am. The best time to do more exercise is right when I get home. I'm all warmed up and hopefully have the energy to keep going.

It's going to be soo nice out on Saturday. I'm taking the bike out and riding to the gym. It's only 3.5 miles and if I leave at 7:30am I'll be there in plenty of time to be first at the gym. Always good to get in extra exercise when it's nice out!!

Sooo looking forward to warmer weather where I can exercise outdoors!! Oh, and there is hiking planned for the weekend!

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