Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Reward, Reward, Reward

Nothing  feels better then to get new workout clothes. Today, I put on a new pair of workout pants for summer that are just below my knees. I am sporting a new look, dark gray instead of my standard black. I also bought a dark gray tank. It's a great reward for all the hours and miles I've put into running my buns off.

I have all the colors of the rainbow and then some in tank tops. I can't re-wear my tank top without a washing. I get soaking wet working out. I look like a drowned rat. My pony tail is even dripping wet after my hour long run. I have at least 10 if not more tank tops since some days I run 2x's a day.
I like that saying "Sweat is Fat Crying". I do a lot of crying! Just wish I'd see more pounds go with that...

Time to re-evaluate my eating. Start recording what I eat again.. so I can reward myself  with maybe a new watch  that has a GPS or another pair of running shoes that feel just as great as my indoor shoes. It has to be a non-food reward. I'll have to wait until I reach 129 for this big reward....

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