Sunday, March 11, 2012

Working Out Is My Church

While others find comfort in going to church.. I'd rather use that  "Church time" to focus on myself and workout. It's a good time for self reflection. To take in life, make decisions, sort through anything that is going on in my life.  I always feel so much better with that hour I have to my own thoughts. I'm not distracted by anything other then my own breathing... I feel refreshed, ready for the day and have a positive outlook on the day ahead.

It's not a crime to not love church, to not want to listen to someone else preach to me. I'd just rather use my time in a way that will benefit me more then sitting for an hour, singing high pitched songs and coming away not recalling anything that was said in that hour.

In my workout hour,  I will have burned over 700 calories, I will feel great about the start of my day. I will  have had that hour for self refection, decision making, and have a sense of calm and peacefulness that comes over me.

I can't say that church hour would give me the same results?

So tonight I'll go to bed and pray.. pray to keep moving, keep working towards my goals, be kind to others and just be....

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