Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lists... Making changes

I write a lot of lists:  Todo, what I ate, weight, how much I ran, how many miles I did in a day, week.. etc..

It's a great way to track progress. Taking baby steps that add up to a whole lot of accomplishments. I love being able to check off my todo list. Seeing my progress and adding up the miles at the end of the week. It keeps me motivated and honest with writing it all down. It does take time, but time well worth spent.

It's all about making changes. You can see your changes in a list. My weight might fluctuate but I can track that and see where I went off. It's easy to get off and harder to get back on track. Keeping lists makes it harder to stay off track. It's just not possible. These are positive steps in changing. Changing my life in a positive way and one I can maintain for life.

It's hard making changes. Dieting alone is a big change. You go from eating and not thinking about what your putting in your mouth to thinking about every bite, every food choice. It's about not reaching for a cookie every day, about not doing the same things as you use to. You have to think about making good choices.

Some of the changes I've made were to give up diet Pepsi. I use to love drinking diet Pepsi. It tasted soooo good with food. I'd drink 2 liters or more a day. I liked it warm, cold but not flat. I'd drink it first thing in the morning and it would be the last thing I'd have before bed. I was addicted. It made me crave sweet foods and made me eat more and more because everything tasted sooo good. Well, I gave that up for water. Flavored water at first and now once in a while I drink flavored water but mostly it's just good old plain water. Water that tastes soo  good. Now I have a good change.. drinking more water! And it's going to stick!

Another big change I made was to not sit all day on the computer. I still have my computer time, but I'd rather be doing something. I get up and move. It's not healthy to sit all day.

So write a list, check it off, take baby steps and make it a life change. Do something today... Make some good changes in your life that will stick!

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