Saturday, December 8, 2012

Real Age... Fitness-Health

What is your real age? I take this on-line questions to figure it out every once in awhile. It's at's pretty extensive in the questions and I feel its a good assessment of real age.

I took it this morning and determined this 44 year old.. is a real age of 38.8.. which turns out to be 5.5 years younger. I'll take it.. because I still feel like I'm in my 30's or younger.

I kept all my old medical test records for my cholesterol HDL and LDL.. when I was over weight.. both were out of the normal range. What was recommended was exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 days a week, plus diet. It took me losing 50 pounds.. re-taking the same tests and what do you know.. back in the normal range and staying there. Goes to show you.. taking control of our lives.. exercising and eating healthy are key to living longer, and slowing down the aging process.

Now.. back to study.. or refresh my aging memory.. I have a test on Tuesday. I'll share some of the important info as I come across it.. This way it will stick in my brain.. I can recall it for later use and someone else might learn something from what I know.. lol..

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