Sunday, December 9, 2012

Snow.... It's snowing!

Finally we have snow and enough of it to cross country ski. Am I a happy person today. Just wish I didn't have to study or feel like I should all day.

There are a lot of things I should be doing..

  • Putting up our Christmas tree
  • Baking and making cookies for Christmas
  • cleaning our house
  • studying and more studying for my test on Tuesday & Thursday
  • Skiing
  • Running more miles..
  • Resistance training.. a lot more of it.
  • Organizing our house
  • Picking up our house
  • Sledding with the kids
  • Reading the paper
What am I going to do? A balance... a little of everything.. I spent the last 2 hours at the gym, running on the cross ramp, doing resistance training all the while studying for my test. I bring all my  flash cards, and notes with me to review while I do my cardio. I could probably memorize a ton of stuff every day if I spent the hour doing this day in and day out. Of course I hate having to memorize anything and recall it later on.. Might be a good thing to do at least 1x a week for this aging brain. 

I also will go cross country skiing. I don't think I have any takers in wanting to join me.. so I'll make my own trail and go it alone. I'm sure the parks will not make a trail until we have at least 6" or more.. It's not going to happen today even if we get that much snow because they just aren't that fast! I also want to find some time to put up the Christmas tree. I'll save that for after 5pm when it's dark out and I don't want to go outside. 

Then its studying up on what I don't know.. which is a lot.. I'm afraid. I'm sooo done with these classes. I hate to give up now when an "A" for each class soo possible.. if I don't study.. I'm settling for a B... and I know I'll be kicking myself later for not trying harder to just memorize this info that I so wanted to learn and know. 

Everything else on my list is going to have to wait. Wait until my classes or tests are over. I need to concentrate on what's important right now.. With a little fun in between.

Cross Country Ski update:
I went out... skied 2.66 miles on a un-groomed trail.. thankfully at least one person before me blazed a trail. I used my new ski's only to find out on the trail.. I forgot to wax them. Mind you.. they are non-wax skis but they still need wax to break them in and help them glide especially on sticky wet snow. It was more like snow shoeing with little to no gliding. I also did not wear the right clothing. My new fuzzy on the inside leggings were perfect and so were my knee-hi Hello Kitty socks.. but my jackets.. well, just my black jacket.. a little to warm.. I should have left that home. It soaked up all the heavy snow and clumped up, leaving it heavy. I was smart enough to wear just the outer layer of my ski jacket to keep me dry until I was too hot and unzipped it. Lots and lots of heavy wet snow falling down on me. My face was dripping, my hair was covered with thick wet snow.. What a mess. I do love skiing.. I just didn't love today's skiing. I did take time to notice how beautiful the wood looked all covered in fluffy wet snow.. the branches were all hanging low.. I should have brought my better camera but it's too big and I was out there to ski. I tried to take photos with my camera on my phone but at some point.. I messed it up and the settings were all wrong. I'll post photos of what I did get..

Until tomorrow.. when I ski again.... with waxed skis! 

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