Thursday, October 18, 2012

Balance....Focus.. Try harder!

I need to balance out my life more. It feels like I don't have enough time in the day to get everything done that I want to do.

My first priority should be helping support this family. Seems its taken a back seat to my fitness, and school goals. I've been letting work slide for too long and I need to make that more of a priority.

I keep telling myself, I just need to get through such and such then I'll have more time to focus on my current business. Well, it's easy to ignore it and continue on.. I need more balance between working out, work and school.. it has to be even..

I just need to be more focused on what I need to do.. lay out specific goals for the day and prioritize everything until December when my 3 classes are finished.

I decided to postpone the last class for my Certification until next fall. I need to concentrate on starting my my new fitness business and my current one. Plus, I need time for me, I need and want to add in cross country skiing to my day. I want to add more running and I want to lose 10 pounds. All good winter goals to have. What I don't need is more couch time with studying. I need to do what's best for me and to maintain my goals.

I just have to try harder to make things happen.. will they? Sure.. with hard work, and determination! I can do anything!!!

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