Thursday, October 11, 2012

Couch.. Thoughts?

Last night while I was sitting on the couch, I was thinking about how long ago it felt like I had worked out.  In reality, I worked out only a few hours before, but it felt like I should be working out again. Then comes the next morning, and I'm back at it again.. running doing my cardio for the day but now it feels like Ground Hogs Day all over again. You know the feeling.. like time never passed.. starting all over again.. and again and again...

That's exactly why I need to mix up my cardio! I also need to get some other form of exercise in later on in the afternoon or evening. I read that it does little good to workout then sit on your butt the rest of the day. Now, I don't always sit on my butt all day long but a lot of the day I do. I've used homework/studying as my excuse to sit around more and more.

Yesterday we had a beautiful fall day. I should have worked, and then ate a little something and went for a run. Yes, I did run in the early morning hours but there is just something about running outside that I love. Yes, love.. sometimes I need to convince myself that I do love it.. but once I'm running for 15 minutes.. I love it. some days I wish it would never end.. Weird to think that but it's a nice quiet time to focus on me and me getting stronger and more healthy..

I need to make a plan to get off that couch  in the evenings.. go for a run.. do something to stay moving.. I need to keep it interesting..

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