Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pursuit.... and perserver

I have the impression some people want you to fail. I've lost the weight, kept it off for 2 years now. Most who lose weight and don't exercise, gain back the weight shortly after they lost it. You might lose more weight again only to re-gain it.. the starting of the Yo.. Yo diet. Weight goes up and weight comes down.

Well, that's just not going to happen to me. My weight fluctuates less then 5 pounds. I'm not planning on gaining back the weight I lost. I will preserver and that's only possible with exercise.

Those of you wishing I'd gain it all back.. your going to have to wait and wait and wait.. because it's not going to happen! I know to stay fit, I have to exercise. I have the support I need to keep me going.

I've made lots of new friends on the same fitness journey as me.. I want to keep going. I will keep going.. I must keep going.. So off to the gym I went.. on a Sunday morning before the sun came up.. I was out the door.. driving to the gym to run for an hour. I have company in my pursuit of fitness. Many other women in their 40's and older also show up every day around the same time as I do. Little by little I am getting to know the familiar faces and putting names to those women. We share our stories and our lives with each other as we log mile after mile. While our bodies have not changed that much on the outside.. we are all working towards a common goal.. To stay fit and support each other.

I love my new life.. I am enjoying getting to know more women like me.. All in the pursuit of the new improved me!

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